Summer Fun – Makin’ Money and Memories!!

It’s summer; your desire to grow your business remains the same, but the “who, how, where and when,” might change.

Creating positive habits is one of the keys to any successful business. You may have great working habits, but now that the children are out of school, there is a trip or family vacation to take, a reunion to attend, and your good habits become harder to maintain.

With deliberate effort and planning, you can work with your summer plans to have a great deal of success. Here is how to make that happen.

1. Set business goals. Make it fun, do a Summer Bucket List. Do this both personally, as a family, and for your business.

a. Make a list of memories you’d like to create as a family.

b. Make a list of things you’d like to achieve within your business.

c. Make a list of things that are important to your children to do.

d. Make a list of the things you’d like to have prepared for your business in the fall.

2. What you’ll need to create “Summer Bucket Lists”

a. Bucket (the dollar store has great ones)

b. Permanent Marker

c. List of goals, both personal and business related

Visual aids are so helpful when setting goals and sticking to them.

Look at your calendar and make a solid plan regarding when you will have time to work. Mark those times and make a plan to work smart.

Look at the times you’ll be traveling, sitting poolside at swim lessons, or attending a family reunion. What business supplies do you need to have with you to offer interested parties you may meet? What questions will you ask to start conversations? What event (locally or online) can you invite them to?

You have so many fun opportunities to meet new people during the summer. Follow this tip: Instead of only exchanging business cards and/or phone numbers, open your Facebook app and add new people you meet to your Friends List. Depending on how much you talked with them about product, invite them to join your VIP Facebook group. This is a great place for them to do a little “stalking” of you and get to know you before they purchase from you.

Make plans, schedule in work time, be prepared with business materials and a plan of what to say, and your summer will be your most success time of the year!

For more summer biz tips, register for our FREE 1 hour June 2nd 10 AM PST and 6 PM PST webinar:

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