How to get people interested in YOU!


Every one of us who has ever attended a networking event, had a beautiful daydream of everyone there wanting to know more about us and what we sell.  They all ask for our card and call us within 24 hours to purchase.  Then reality sets in and…. nothing like that happens at all.

We tend to forget that almost everyone who shows up to the event is hoping for the same thing.  But, you can use this knowledge to your advantage.

What makes you want to know more about a person?  Is it when they talk about themselves and their interests non-stop?  In the movie, “Beaches” with Bette Midler, she shows us the extreme of what NOT to do.  After her friend from California visits and attends the Broadway musical she is starring in, they go back to Bette’s apartment.  She talks about herself non-stop; the musical, the apartment, her new fame, and finally slows down to say, “Well enough about me, what you do think of me?”

In our enthusiasm about the perks and benefits of our product, we can sometimes do the same thing.  “I’ve told you all about my product, now tell me what you think of my product.”

Knowing that others like to talk about themselves, the best way to get someone curious about you is to be the first to ask, “Tell me what you do.” “Tell me about yourself.”  “What do you like about the product you sell?”  Ask them something that gives them an open door to tell you all about themselves.  Ask a couple of additional questions, such as: “How long have you been doing this?”  “Who is your ideal customer?”  “What else do you enjoy doing?”  “Would your product help with ________?”  Show true curiosity.

All of the sudden, they’ll realize they have done most of the talking, but like you very much because you are such a great listener.  Finally, they’ll often say, “So, what do you do?”  Now, you’ll have their undivided attention.  Ask them questions that reveal needs about your product before you unleash every bit of information.  Then share what you do in a way that matches a need they have.  And BOOM… You have them interested in you!